Thomas Sowell; Bonhoeffer; Tim Keller and Suffering; Millennials and how to Reach them; God and Gayness; Pornography Danger and much more

Weekend Links Late with the Links. Went for 20+ miles on the bike this afternoon. Completely bushed now. Can’t wait to see my bride tomorrow—returning from a funeral in West Virginia. I’m such a fortunate blessed man.  Better Thinking about Politics and Cultural Engagement A Primer on Race  Thomas Sowell—pre-eminent black conservative and economist reviews a … More Thomas Sowell; Bonhoeffer; Tim Keller and Suffering; Millennials and how to Reach them; God and Gayness; Pornography Danger and much more

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Speaking of Homosexuality; Heaven; Suffering Well; Tim Keller; Dennis Prager; Richard Dawkins

Weekend Links Looking forward to being back in the pulpit for the first time in four weeks.  And I’m looking forward to having my wife back after a long visit to visit and care for her mother in West Virginia. Enjoy your weekend. Doctrine What is the Gospel and How Do We Ensure We Tell … More Speaking of Homosexuality; Heaven; Suffering Well; Tim Keller; Dennis Prager; Richard Dawkins

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Fracking: Finally, the Truth; Tim Stafford; Notre Dame; Obama and the Catholic Church (and the rest of us)

Weekend Links Enjoy! Leading the Church Better Why Churches Should Euthanize their Small Groups As If We Really Believed: Disturbing trends in giving (Tim Stafford) St. Francis Never Said It (Mark Galli) Our Salvation is Bound up in the Doctrine of the Trinity (Justin Taylor) Cultural Engagement Notre Dame Faculty Speak Out to Obama (CNS … More Fracking: Finally, the Truth; Tim Stafford; Notre Dame; Obama and the Catholic Church (and the rest of us)

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Christianity is the Best Thing that Ever Happened to the World

Sunday Musings This afternoon, I was reading New York Times best seller Dinesh D’Souza’s What’s So Great about Christianity, and ran across this thought provoking paragraph on page 71: “In ancient Greece and Rome, human life had very little value. The Spartans left weak children to die on the hillside. Infanticide was common, as it … More Christianity is the Best Thing that Ever Happened to the World

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