Inspiration and Information for the End of one Year and the Beginning of the Next

Politics and Culture The Real Roots of American Rage     Long but worthy article from THE ATLANTIC on both the power and the destructive nature of anger. “The untold story of how anger became the dominant emotion in our politics and personal lives—and what we can do about it.” How the Old Testament Kings Bear … More Inspiration and Information for the End of one Year and the Beginning of the Next

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Weekend Links are Back

Church, Discipleshp and Christian Living Seven Ways to Love Christians Who are Overweight    This is such a needed post. We need to love one another better. Here’s help for one particular group. Why We Need to Bring Back Catechism     We need to give serious consideration about reshaping a modern catachetical approach to Sunday … More Weekend Links are Back

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When the “Leader” Becomes the “Misleader”

Rereading Life Together for the 20th time. Always timely. This quotation is from the introduction. 1933, February Germany Bonhoeffer had just turned 27 years of age “In February Bonhoeffer delivered a lecture broadcast over the Berlin radio in which he flayed the German public for its hankering after a ‘leader’ who would inevitably become a … More When the “Leader” Becomes the “Misleader”

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Learning to Think Outside of Our Tribes

Melancholy with the artist Disclaimer: These weekend links, books and blog reviews do not mean that I agree with all of the content or perspective in any particular link. Their presence here means that I found them either thought provoking, interesting, persuasive, funny, useful, sad, informative, inspiring, and sometimes all of those things. I hope … More Learning to Think Outside of Our Tribes

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The Spontaneous Prayer: How We Learn to Pray

I am currently taking our church leaders (we call them elders) through a study on the biblical concept of an elder’s roles and duties. This morning we met at 6:15 for prayer and study, working through the last pages of lesson 3 in the Biblical Eldership Mentor’s Guide by Alexander Strauch and Richard Swartley. It … More The Spontaneous Prayer: How We Learn to Pray

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