Hugs and Happiness

Friday is for Heart Songs

Two of my daughters  (Aubre on the left who just drove away and Maureen who lives in Connecticut)
Two of my daughters
(Aubre on the left who just drove away and Maureen who lives in Connecticut)

My daughter came down for a surprise visit last night and stayed over till this morning. She’s shopping with my bride right now and will be back in just a few minutes. She will step out of her car, give me another hug, and I will pray for her before she takes off on the two hour drive back to her town and the job that is waiting for her this afternoon.

Honestly, is there anything better than a hug from your adult child that says, “I love you and I know this hug is important to you”?

I’m getting older and I have the gray to prove it. But I will never grow tired of being warmly hugged by my three daughters and one son.  My wife is the same way. She glows when she gets to hug or is hugged by her children.

Door closed outside. They’re here! [This post interrupted for a hug.]

She’s gone now. On her way back home, but not before a hug, a prayer, and a promise to see us soon. God made daughters for a couple zillion reasons but certainly one of them was the comfort and joy of their fathers in seeing them blossom and grow and become strong women of character and generous lovers of people. Enjoy your children. Thank God for them everyday.

“Thank you Lord for all my daughters and the largeness of their hearts for people and thank you for giving them hearts that still have room for their mom and dad. We need them now as much as they once needed us.”


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