Warped Righteousness

First Picture Judas betrays Christ for 30 pieces of silver and then when he sees that Jesus is condemned to death returns to the chief priests and elders of Israel and says “I have betrayed innocent blood.” They, however, show no remorse or retreat from their decision to kill Jesus whereupon, Judas takes the money and … More Warped Righteousness

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Lovingkindness — What keeps us going through the pain

Reading with the Pastor Matthew 26  and  Psalm 31 Why do we rejoice? The psalmist tells us, His “lovingkindness.” The Hebrew chesed tells us that God’s covenant love for his people is a love that has the texture of kindness. He knows our affliction. He knows the troubles of our souls. He knows the heartache of our … More Lovingkindness — What keeps us going through the pain

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