At 95, Billy’s Prayer for the Nation

Wednesday is for Prayer   (Updated, Revised and Corrected) Billy Graham’s Prayer For Our Nation One of my readers has pointed out that the prayer that I said was Dr. Graham’s bears a striking similarity to Pastor Joe Wright’s 1996 prayer before the Kansas legislature. It’s possible that Dr. Graham has recast the prayer as his own, … More At 95, Billy’s Prayer for the Nation

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If You Tolerate Sin In Your Life Today, You Will Tolerate More Tomorrow.

Tuesday is for Preaching A Message Outline for 2 Samuel 11 Message Title: Spiritual Bankruptcy is Not as Far Away as You Think ( I like titles that hint at application. ) Three Points: (Usually narrative passages don’t lend themselves to this kind of linear outline but this one does. I tried to keep the … More If You Tolerate Sin In Your Life Today, You Will Tolerate More Tomorrow.

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