Hear the Story of an 8 year-old Boy Satisfied in Jesus.

What Does Love for Jesus Really Look Like?

There are probably a number of really good answers to that question. Short form answers include things like “an obedient life”, “a sacrificial life”, “a life lived in passionate pursuit of others”, “a gospel-centered life”, “a holy life”. No doubt all of these are valuable and revealing and add some depth to a definition—an approximate answer. For my money, I love pictures. And I read one in the story of a dying eight-year old boy in a biography some time ago.

Before I relate the story, imagine an eight-year old boy in America today. Think of one of the boys at church perhaps, or the boy down the street, your nephew, your grandson. Now imagine him living in a home that is nominally Christian but he, the eight-year old truly loves Jesus. Imagine now that this boy, living in a home and with parents whose faith is more formal and shallow than real and deep and loving. Imagine that he is dying of tuberculous, and he knows that he is dying. In the corners of the house, he sees and hears the visitors to the home. Quiet whispers and muffled tear-filled conversations inhabits the atmosphere. No one knows what to say. There are awkward gaps, punctuated by even more awkward chuckles as well meaning friends try to be present for the boy’s inevitable death and the care of the family.        

“The glory of bread is that it satisfies. The glory of living water is that it quenches thirst. We do not honor the refreshing, self-replenishing, pure water of a mountain spring by lugging buckets of water up the path to make our contributions from the ponds below. We honor the spring by feeling thirsty, getting down on our knees, and drinking with joy. Then we say, “Ahhhh!” (That’s worship!), and we go on our journey in the strength of the fountain (that’s service). The mountain spring is glorified most when we are most satisfied with its water.”

John Piper, A Godward Life: Book 1, p.23-24

John Paton PlaqueAnd God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.

Now, the story of not an imaginary boy but a real boy by the name of John Sims. Hear the story of an 8 year-old boy satisfied in Jesus: 

The following comes from the autobiography of John Paton, missionary to New Hebrides (modern Vanuatu). Paton was relating the story from his years before his missionary work in the South Pacific of dying eight year-old boy from Glasgow Scotland. The boy, John Sims, was dying of tuberculosis but loved Jesus and was looking forward to seeing the Savior upon his death.  But he also loved his parents. Shortly before he died, Paton relates that the boy was seeking to evangelize his own parents!

“I am going soon to be with Jesus; but I sometimes fear that I may not see you there.”
“Why so, my child?” said his weeping mother.
“Because,” he answered, “if you were set upon going to Heaven and seeing Jesus there, you would pray about it, and sing about it; you would talk about Jesus to others, and tell them of that happy meeting with Him in Glory. All this my dear Sabbath School teacher taught me, and she will meet me there. Now why did not you, my father and mother, tell me all these things about Jesus, if you are going to meet Him too?” (p. 47)
“. . . One day an aunt from the country visited his mother, and their talk had run to channels for which the child no longer felt any interest. On my [John Paton] sitting down beside him, he said,
“Sit you down and talk with me about Jesus, I am tired hearing so much talk about everything else but Jesus; I am going soon to be with Him Oh, do tell me everything you know or have ever heard about Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God.”  (p. 47-48)
This, from the lips of an eight year old!

How I long to raise up a generation of such 8 year-olds, who turn into 9 year olds, and 10’s and 20’s and 30’s and who live for the glory of Christ. John Piper is right, “God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.” Oh to raise up such a people of God. A people who glory in knowing Him who lived, suffered, died and rose for them; a people who delight to make him known among the peoples of the earth, beginning with their neighbors and friends.

Lord help us do that.

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